Database Backup and Restore
Table Import and Export:
Export: psql --dbname=trusteeze_live_v1 --username=habib --host=localhost -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM templates) TO stdout DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER" > export.csv
Method - 1:
pg_dump -U user_name -h remote_host -p remote_port name_of_database > name_of_backup_file
example: cd Desktop
pg_dump -U postgres db_development > my_s_bag
Method - 2:
psql -h localhost -U habib -W -d ecom_developmentx < staging_dump07022021.sql
Method - 3:
pg_restore --no-privileges --no-owner --if-exists -1 -c -U habib -d ecom_development prod_21_04_2021.dump
Method - 4:
backup: pg_dump -U username -f backup.sql database_name
restore: psql -d database_name -f backup.sql
Method - 5:
final work:
backup: pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -W -d db_prod > db_prod_v2.sql
Method - 6:
restore: psql -h localhost -U postgres -W -d prod_db_v3 < production_v3.sql
Method - 1:
mysqldump -u root projdb_live > dbfile.sql
mysql -u root -p proj_development < projdb.sql